The artificially intelligent actress named Erica will star in a film titled, “b.”

Four production companies announced earlier this week that they were teaming up to create a movie in which an artificial intelligence woman named Erica will star as the lead actress.

The announcement comes during a time when most television and movie productions are shut down or put on hold due to safety concerns around the coronavirus.

The sci-fi film titled “b” is being produced by BondIt Capital Media, Happy Moon Productions, Life Entertainment, and Ten Ten Global Media, according to The Hollywood Reporter

A robot created by Japan’s Hiroshi Ishiguro Laboratories called Erica is presented at the IROS 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Robots

In the movie, Erica, the robot, is trapped in a laboratory until a scientist working on a human DNA experiment discovers her and helps her escape.

The film was written by Sam Khoze, Eric Pham, and Tarek Zohdy. There is currently no release date.

The A.I. actress was created by Japanese robotics scientists Hiroshi Ishiguro and Kohei Ogawa.

In 2015, Ishiguro called Erica the “most beautiful and intelligent” robot in an interview with The Guardian.

He added: “We see humanlike qualities in robots and start to think about the true nature of the human heart, about desire, consciousness, and intention.”
Developing Erica’s humanlike emotions took a long time.

“In other methods of acting, actors involve their own life experiences in the role, but Erica has no life experiences,” Khoze told The Hollywood Reporter of how they developed the robot into an actress.

He continued: “She was created from scratch to play the role. We had to simulate her motions and emotions through one-on-one sessions, such as controlling the speed of her movements, talking through her feelings, and coaching character development and body language.”